Surgical affections of the Horn- Anatomy


  • The cornual process of the frontal bone encloses the horn and corium of horn completely envelops the horn core and fuses with its periosteum.
  • The frontal sinus is continous with horn.
  • It is also known as flint bone.
  • Horn corium covers the horn core, It secrete horn shell.
  • Blood supply: The cornual branch of the superficial temporal artery and its satellite vein supplies horn.
  • Nerve supply: The cornual branch of the lachrymal nerve supplies horn. Lachrymal nerve is the branch of ophthalmic nerve, which in turn is the branch of trigeminal (fifth cranial nerve) nerve.
  • Interior of horn: Consists of irregular space, which are continuation of the frontal sinus.
  • Buffaloes: Horns are massive, angular and well developed with wider base compared to cattle. The thickness of horn increases towards apex until it become solid. The corium is traversed by numerous blood vessels.
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 6:10 AM