

  • Conservative treatment – when animal is in good condition
  • Administration of parasynpathomimetic drugs – (Neostigmine)
  • Total dose of 12.5 – 2.5 mg s/c for every 3-4 hours for a period of 2-3 days
  • A continuous drip of neostigmine (200 mg/10l normal saline)
  • Saline purgatives alone or with liquid paraffin

Surgical treatment

  • Caecotomy
    • Right flank laporotomy in  standing position
    • Exteriorise the free end of caecum
    • Milk out the caecal contents following caecotomy
    • Clean the caecal edges with normal saline
    • Suture with absorbable suture  with Cushing pattern followed by Lembert’s
    • If torsion is there, correction should be made
    • Reposition of the caecum into abdominal cavity
    • Laparotomy wound is closed in a routine manner
  • Typhelectomy
    • In cases where the caecum is devitalized and necrotic, resection is indicated
    • After exteriorization of caecum through right flank
    • Intestinal clamps on the distal end of the ileum and proximal end of the colon should be placed.
    • Blood vessels supplying the caecum should be dorsally ligated and severed
    • The necrosed caecum in resected out and cut edges of ileum and colon are anastomosed by using synthetic absorbable suture material
    • Close the laporotomy incision in a routine manner
    • Partial resection is sufficient if only a part of caecum is necrosed

Post operative care

  • Administration of broad spectrum antibiotics
  • Adequate fluid therapy
  • Prognosis is good following surgery
Last modified: Tuesday, 27 September 2011, 7:11 AM