Difference between Wounds Inflicted- during Life and After Death


  • There is more or less copious haemorrhage in all wounds. The effused blood is forced into the tissue interspaces in the vicinity of the wounds, and is found infiltrated into the cellular and muscular tissues.
  • There is consequent staining of the edges of the wounds and the neighbouring tissues, which cannot be removed by washing, but the staining caused by the blood effused from post-mortem wounds is easily removed by washings.
  • Inhaled blood will be found in the lungs and bronchi, if the area of haemorrhage communicates with the bronchial tree. There will be clots of effused blood in the wounds and tissues, and in the neighbourhood of the body.
  • Clotting of the blood normally occurs in about four to ten minutes. There will also be signs of spouting of arterial blood on the body, or in its vicinity. In a contusion ecchymosis, absorption, changes in the colour and a swelling of the neighbouring tissue will be present.
  • On dissection coagulated blood will be found in the subcutaneous tissues. Retraction of Edges of the Wound will be present if caused in life. Likewise Signs of Inflammation and Reparative Processes will be present if made during life.
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 12:03 PM