Profit and Loss Statement


  • Profit and Loss statement is an important financial statement employed to assess the performance of farm business.
  • It shows the operational efficiency of the farm business in terms of receipts, expenses, profits and losses.
  • Generally it is prepared by the entire farm for one agricultural year.
  • However, it may also be prepared over a period of time.
  • So, we can know the trend in receipts and expenses which indicates the success or failure of a farm business.
  • Thus it contains basically three important items, namely., Receipts, Expenses and Net income.

Income Statement


  • They include returns from all the enterprises in the farm.
  • It also includes the appreciation in the value of assets, gifts, many other types of receipts etc.,.
  • However the returns from the sale of capital assets such as land, buildings, machinery, etc. are not counted as receipts.


  • All the expenses and the variable inputs are taken as operational expenses which includes the interests on working capital.
  • The fixed expenses include, depreciation, interests on fixed capital, rental value of owned land, land revenue, etc.
  • The amount spent on the purchase of any capital asset does not come under expenses.

Net Income

  • It is calculated in three different ways.
    • Net Cash Income
      • This is worked out by reducing total cash expenses from the total cash receipts.
    • Net Operating Income
      • It is calculated by reducing the total operational expenses from the gross income.
    • Net Farm Income
      • It is worked out by deducting total fixed expenses from the net operating income.
  • Of the three types of net incomes, net farm income is the best measure and is most frequently used for assessing the performance of farm business.

Net income

Last modified: Tuesday, 24 April 2012, 10:38 AM