Grassland Ecosystem
Grassland occurs in places where there is cold climate during winter and hot climate during summer. Rainfall is average. Grasslands and inhabited mainly by tall grasses.
There are the types of grasslands. They are as follows

Tropical grassland is dominated by tall grasses. Example: Africa and Savannas. They occur near borders of tropical rain forests. Animals such as zebras, giraffes and antelopes live here. Termites and mounds are found here.
Temperate grassland occurs on slopes of hills. Winters are very cold and summer is hot. Overgrazing leads to absence of trees and shrubs. Example: Africa-Velds, US and Canada-Prairies, S America- Pampas and Central Europe and Asia- Steppes.
Polar grassland (Arctic Tundra) is characterized by the following:
Severe cold and strong winds
Summer sunshine (small annual plants grow)
Animals-Wolf, fox, reindeer
Below soil thick layer of ice remains frozen throughout the year (Permafrost).
Abiotic factors
Biotic factors
Primary consumers: They include cow, buffalo, bison, bull, deer, rabbit, rat , insects, termites and millipedes.
Secondary consumers: They include snake, garden lizard, calotes, bird, fox and jackals which feed on herbivores.
Last modified: Wednesday, 27 July 2011, 10:57 AM