Biodiversity in India and Tamil Nadu


Biodiversity in India

  • In India biodiversity is rich due to favourable climate and natural environmental conditions. India has 8.1% of the world’s total biodiversity in contrast to her 2.4% of the world area. India occupies seventh position of plant rich nations( megadiversity countries). The first position is occupied by Mexico. There is enormous loss of biodiversity and one of the root causes identified for the loss is the wrong model of development we have followed so far. The development has centered on the following:
    • Commercial and monocultural agricultural practices.
    • Large scale industrial expansion
    • Increasing the consumption of goods and benefits through exploiting natural resources without giving importance of sustainability.
  • The man-made communities have replaced the natural communities in order to protect life on earth. Man must learn to control and adjust the balance in nature that are altered by his activities.

Biodiversity in TamilNadu

  • TamilNadu has a rich biodiversity. The state has 5 National Parks, 20 wild life sanctuaries and 2 biosphere reserves.
  • It is estimated that 9% of the freshwater fauna of India is found in Tamil Nadu. The insects dominate the fresh water animals. There are about 31 species of molluscs and 153 species of fishes in Tamil Nadu.
  • In Vedanthangal Birds Sanctuary many species of birds are seen. They visit this sanctuary from far off places during migratory season.
Last modified: Tuesday, 8 March 2011, 6:55 AM