Treated Wastewater Disposal and Effluent Reuse
Urban sewage
Useful Constituents in Sewages
Methods of Recovery
Organic matter in sewage can be recovered by aerobic and anaerobic bacterial applications. Setting tanks, activated sludge process, anaerobic sludge digesters, biogas plants etc, can enable the recovery of manure and fuel gas from organic components of sewages. The chemical in sewages are recovered by precipitation, adsorption, volatization, chelation, solvent extraction, ion filters, reverse osmosis, etc.
Reuse of Treated Wastewaters
Some of the possible reuses of treated wastewaters are as follows:
Where water scarcity is acute, the treated wastewater may be given further treatment (often called tertiary treatment) to make it potable. Even today many places treat sewage and reuse it for domestic purposes including drinking.
Cooling towers in industries for heat exchange can use treated sewages.
Irrigation and development of greenery can be largely benefited by treated sewages due to the micro nutrients like N,P,S , mineral salts etc, present in treated effluents. Development of sewage sickness of the soil and spread of sewage borne communicable diseases are the inherent hazards of sewage farming, necessitating, a careful management of the systems.
Treated effluents can be used to recharge the ground waters . Soil systems have an excellent purification potential with rational management. The ground water resources can be saved from depletion by artificial recharging with sewage effluents, treated to the needed extent. Surface spreading, percolation tanks and injection wells are the methods of recharging.
Pisiculture is possible in ponds formed by treated sewage effluents, with careful management.
Sewage can be treated to any required quality and can be used for secondary purposes for industries. To cite an example, Madras Refineries Limited treats the municipal sewage of Madras by several advanced treatment processes to reuse it as the process water.