Rain Water
This is precipitation of water which is obtained as the condensation of moisture in the form of rains, snow and dew.
The amount of rain water depends upon the rainfall, and the distribution of rain over a period in particular region.
The two monsoons , the south west and north east monsoons bring about 80 per cent of total rainfall.
The average rainfall for Tamil Nadu state is about 1143 mm to 1270 mm per annum.
The rain water must be collected in suitable natural basins or artificial reservoir and stored as a source for use in the farm.
Rain water at its origin is the least polluted water with minimum impurities but as it descends down it gathers various impurities /pollutants depending upon the activities of the region.
Rain water collected under the rural conditions is less polluted than that collected under the urban conditions.
Rain water collected from highly industrialized places are heavily contaminated with toxic matter or harmful matters.
In general rain water is comparatively pure and is soft in nature with less of dissolved impurities.
It is insipid in taste and some times it will acidic in reaction, having plumbo solvent characters with corrosive properties.
Last modified: Wednesday, 9 March 2011, 7:02 AM