Total Solids


  • The method of determination employed is briefly as follows:- The residue left after evaporating a measured volume of water is weighted and the result calculated to parts per 100,000 of water.
  • The estimation is usually carried out on filtered water if appreciable quantities of suspended solids are present, so that suspended solids are reported separately from dissolved solids.
  • The residue consists of all the non-volatile substances which were present in solution in the original water.
  • The organic content of the residue can be assessed from the appearance of the residue after gentle ignition, considerable charring indicating a high content of organic matter.
  • Satisfactory waters rarely contain more than 80 parts per 100,000 of dissolved solids, and for most purposes should contain much less; they rarely contain more than a mere trace of organic matter.

Last modified: Wednesday, 9 March 2011, 8:52 AM