

  • The term disinfectant is applied to agents which kills or prevent multiplication of microorganisms, particularly those which cause disease i.e. bacteria, protozoa, fungi or viruses, Disinfectants are usually applied to in animate surfaces
  • Since few disinfectants act instantly, ample time must be allows for their bactericidal effect. As bacterial agents, most disinfectants seem to act more effectively when applied in solution then as an emulsion powder, aerosol or gas because solutions penetrate to a greater depth.
  • Germicidal activity of disinfectant solutions is greater when they are heated because hot solutions penetrate manure and other organic debris better than cold. It is extremely important to remove as much organic matter as practicable from the areas to be disinfected.
  • The disinfectant should be applied as spray with sufficient force to drive the solution into all cracks and services.  
Last modified: Wednesday, 9 March 2011, 10:19 AM