Effects and controls of acid rain


Acid rain

  • Acid forming gases (SO2, N2O) from industries and fossil fuel combustion, are oxidise after traveling thousand of kilometer in the atmosphere to form acid rain.
  • Sulphur-di-oxide (SO2) ð Sulphuric acid (H2So4), Nitrous oxide (N2O) ð Nitric acid (HNO3) : HCI ð Hydrochloric acid (HCI ACID); CO2 ð carbonic acid .

Effects of acid rain

  • Deterioration of buildings (Taj Mahal with marble)
  • Damage of statues, metals, fishes and leaves of trees.
  • Sufferings of aquatic animals.
  • Damage to trees by insects and fungi which are tolerant to acid rain.

Control of acid rain

  • To reduce emission of SO2 and N2O from industries and power plants by installing modern equipment.
  • To add lime in the lakes and soils to neutralize acid rain.
  • To use natural gas instead of fossil fuels.
  • To use sulphur scrubbers to control the addition of sulphur in the air during combustion of fossil fuels.
Last modified: Wednesday, 17 August 2011, 6:26 AM