Prognosis and treatment



  • Depends upon the nature and severity of the condition and the species, age and value of the animla.
  • In fractures of the spine, dislocation of the hips and compression of the spinal cord due to arthritic lesions and tumors in large animals, the prognosis is poor to hopeless.


  • Sexual rest and close confinement with good footing
  • Animals recovered from arthritis should be handbred when the footing is good and where the rear parts or the entire female animal are placed in a pit so that the male can easily copulate or bred on AV
  • Electro ejaculator can be used in males that are unable to copulate
  • Some males can be trained to ejaculate in the AV with all four feet on the ground i.e without mounting and by only on standing position.
  • Surgery may be indicated in intervertebral disc prolapse in dogs.
  • Quittors or interdigital granulomas should be removed surgically
  • In suppurative arthritis of the coffin joint, prolonged conservative therapy is indicated
  • Bovine spastic syndrome is treated with antispasmodic drugs and tranquilizers.
  • In arthritis-Glucocorticoids may be given
  • Regular hoof trimming in large male animals is indicated.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 9:29 AM