Hemorrhage from the prepuce and penis
In rare instance bleeding form the urethra may be observed in stallions and bulls.

Several affected boars that had a small vascular outgrowth or polyp in the urethra that caused blood to be mixed with semen at ejaculation.
In several bulls irregular-shaped calculi have lodged in the urethra and caused bleeding at the time of service but for a while only slight or moderate symptoms of difficult urination were observed .
In young bulls there may occasionally be a small fistula in the glans penis extending into the corpus cavernosum.
On erection a fine stream of blood comes through the fistula.
Some veterinarians have described the presence on the glans penis of blue-red raised areas or ulcers that rupture and bleed.
In artificial breeding, rubber bands from the artificial vagina may slip over the penis at the time the bull thrusts.
These usually cause deep lacerations or even amputation of all or part of the glans penis if they are not removed promptly.
Such and occurrence may be prevented by not using rubber bands on the artificial vagina, or by tying them with cord so they cannot slip off.
Occasionally persons trimming preputial hairs on bulls will snip off the tip of the penis if vare is not taken to hold the penis caudal to the preputial orifice.
Bloom reported that bleeding form the urethra in dogs is frequently a symptom of fracture of the os penis.
Tumors should be removed. Sexual rest should be give most animals with hemorrhage from the penis and prepuce.
In case of urinary calculi the prognosis is often hopeless for future breeding.
When bleeding occurs from the corpus through fine fistula, sexual rest or surgery to close the defect are indicated.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 9:51 AM