Classification of sperm abnormality


There are different types of classifications available. They are

Based on source of abnormality

Primary abnormality, secondary abormality and tertiary abnormality.

  • Primary abnormality
    • They are appearing at the time of formation of spermatozoa.
    • This is mainly caused due to aberration in spermatogenesis.
    • These abnormalities are arising due to developmental defects in seminiferous tubules of diseased, degenerative or hypoplastic or inherited sterile conditions.
  • Secondary abnormality
    • These abnormalities are acquired at the time of transport of spermatozoa through epididymis, accessory sex glands and urethra.
  • Tertiary abnormality
    • Caused by the semen handler after collection. It is mainly due mishandling.
    • Primary abnormalities are dangerous and they can be transmitted to their young ones also.


Based on the effect on fertility

Major abnormality and minor abnormality.

  • Major abnormalities – Abnormalities which are having more effect on fertility is called as major abnormalities.
  • Minor abnormalities - Some abnormalities will have lesser effect and is called as minor abnormalities.


Based on the location of the abnormality

Head abnormality, mid piece abnormality and tail abnormality

  • This depends upon the region where the abnormality is located. It is divided in to head, mid piece and tail abnormalities.


Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 11:29 AM