Coat type


  • There is variety of coat type in dogs, from absolutely hairless, naked skinned Chinese Crested, through to smooth-coated dogs like Bull Terriers, thick double weatherproof coats like Labradors; Spaniel type silky coats; harsh, bristly Terrier coats, curly, non-shedding poodles; rough, wiry Wolfhounds; to the dog with very deep corded coat like Puli.

hairless dog smooth coat double coat wire hair silk coat

  • All dog hair tangles and matts more quickly than human hair. Smooth-coated dogs require minimal grooming and mud dries on them quickly if they have been swimming or wallowing.
  • All coat types will require some attention. Dog such as the Old English Sheep dog and the Afghan will need to be brushed and combed daily in order to keep the skin healthy and the coat clean. Long-haired dogs tend to smell when they are wet or damp.
  • Poodles and Bedlingtons will require clipping and bathing every 6-8 weeks. Terriers will need hand tripping twice a year.

Standard Poodle Bedlingtons

Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 9:15 AM