Pedigree and pedigree chart


  • A pedigree is a diagram of family tree showing the relationship between individuals
  • It can also allow estimation of gene penetrance & gene expressivity
  • A pedigree chart is a chart that shows all the known phenotypes for an organism and its ancestors
  • Most commonly humans, show dogs & race horses
  • It helps to track the generations of an animal starting with a single couple
  • A pedigree chart is like a family tree, typically used for animals
  • This is especially helpful when watching certain traits
  • The pedigree chart shows the parents and its offspring, along with the gender and which ones have the specific trait.
  • The information can vary depending on the type of animal
  • A pedigree chart, only takes a few minutes to learn 
  •  A dogs pedigree chart, would track his breed and the breed of his ancestors.  Charts may also ensure an animal is a purebred
Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 9:46 AM