

  • Tetanus is a highly fatal disease that affects the nervous system of all animals.
  • It is caused by the neurotoxin Clostridium tetani, a bacteria found in the soil and in the intestinal tracts of animals and people.
  • Wound contamination is the most common way that people and animals become afflicted with tetanus.
  • Tetanus is very rare in dogs, and dogs have been shown to be quite resistant to the toxin.
  • Rare cases usually affect dogs with injuries around the mouth or pups that are teething.
  • Horses and people are much more sensitive to the tetanus toxin, so for these species, vaccinations are recommended.
  • However, the potential risks inherent in the vaccine, such as allergic reaction, along with their normal resistance to the toxin, make this vaccine rarely given in dogs and cats.
  • Clinical signs include limb stiffness and difficulty walking.
  • Spasms of the facial muscles cause abnormally erect ears and retraction of the lips that resembles "risus sardonicus" seen in humans with tetanus.
  • Dogs can't eat or swallow, and as a result, often develop pneumonia.
  • Thorough cleaning of wounds and appropriate use of antibiotics is generally effective in allowing a dog's wound to heal.
Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:23 AM