Upper respiratory infections (URIs).


  • URIs are similar to the common cold in humans. Symptoms include sneezing, running nose and eyes, reddened eyes, fever, and decreased appetite.
  • If left untreated URIs can be fatal. These airborne viruses are highly contagious; they can be transmitted to cats through human handling and through contact with other cats and with inanimate objects such as litter boxes, food bowls, and grooming tools.
  • Separate any new cat from your other cats for at least three weeks until you are sure that the newcomer doesn't have any symptoms of a URI.
  • Prevention is the best approach to URIs. Get your cat vaccinated. But if your cat exhibits URI symptoms contact your veterinarian immediately.
  • The veterinarian will probably prescribe a dosage of antibiotics to prevent secondary infections and give you precise care instructions.
  • Follow them carefully and make sure your cat eats and drinks sufficiently.
Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:48 AM