

  • The intestinal parasites (endoparasites) are common in puppies; they can be infected before being born or later through the maternal milk.
  • Most of the products available in the market for endoparasites control are effective and don’t have any secondary effects; therefore, deworming puppies can start as of six weeks of age.
  • It is important to repeat the deworming within two to three weeks; because the products only eliminate adult parasites, in the meantime the larvae develops and becomes adult, needing to be eliminated by a second treatment.
  • Some parasites may even require multiple dewormings. As dogs can be reinfected, especially those that live outside, deworming must be done monthly up to six months of age and, subsequently, once every six months. Deworming prior to vaccination is vital.
Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:33 AM