Breeding of macaws

BREEDING OF MACAWS [Web link.....]

Breeding pair   Macaw nest   Macaw chick in the nest

  • Macaws are not easy birds to breed. 
  • A lot depends on whether the breeding pair get on well together and on the food and the right environmental factors. 
  • It may take four years or longer before the young birds are sexually mature. 
  • In order to breed the birds preferably need to be housed in a large, roofed outdoor cage.
  • They like to breed in a large nest box (a hollowed out tree stump) or a small beer cask. 
  • The females lay 2-4 eggs on average which then she incubate it for 24 to 28 days. 
  • Fledging occurs in 3 to 4 months. 
  • The young cannot take care of themselves yet and both the parent will nurtured during this period.

Macaw chick   Macaw fledged   Blue yellow Macaws

Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:44 AM