Bite wounds in cats


  • Treatment of cat bite wounds varies. Treatment should be initiated at the earliest.
  • If several days have elapsed since the fight, an abscess will usually form.
  • The pus must be drained through the bite wound hole or holes, or by incising the skin over the abscess.
  • If surgery is needed the cat will be anesthetized and the site of the abscess surgically prepared by shaving and antiseptic cleaning.
  • Dead and infected tissue are removed.
  • The wound is either sutured closed or left open to drain and heal naturally (granulate in).
  • Occasionally, a latex drain tube must be placed to keep the wound open and allow pus to drain out completely.
  • Antibiotics given by injection and/or by mouth complete the treatment.
  • The abscess usually heals within 2-5 days.
  • If cellulitis occurs instead of an abscess, drainage is not possible because the infection is not confined to a local area. In this case, antibiotics are the sole treatment. Cellulitis is slower to heal than an abscess but will usually take place within 3-7 days.
Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 9:22 AM