Use of hand
Towels are best to catch and hold birds.
The towels protect the hand and also hide the hand.
While using towel the bird does not see a human hand approaching.
The towel also prevents the wing flapping.
The problems with the gloves are imitating the shape of the human hand and do not providing the wrapping material.
It is better to protect the grasping had when entering the bird’s domain.
Small and medium sized psittacines are readily captured with the use of small cloth and medium sized or large psittacines are better captured with a towel or protective glove
Small passerines such as finches and canaries are best captured with the bare hand, while a small towel is usually used to capture large passerines.
After capture the bird can be transferred to bare hand or to simple cloth restraint.
Since gloves will not allow perception of the amount of pressure used for restraint.
Water birds can be carried by the wings.
Taping beaks closed can be done.
Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 9:15 AM