

  • An aviary/cage should contain perches.
  • Perches should be placed at the same height as far as possible.
  • Perches should not be placed so near the end of the cage that the bird will not rub its tail against the cage when it is turning around on the perch, other wise this will result in unsightly frayed tail.
  • Perches should be placed at a height in the cage.
  • Perches should not be kept one above the other to avoid a birds sitting in the upper perch defaecating on another bird sitting in a lower perch.
  • Perches should have rough surfaces.
  • Perches made from natural twigs or branches cut from non toxic trees are much better than the artificial ones.
  • Such materials provide a much more natural perch, gives the bird, perches of variety of diameters to grip and is rough enough to provide secure hold.
  • Such perches are more difficult to clean but they can easily be replaced instead.
Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 9:03 AM