Milestones in Plant Breeding
Selected milestones in plant breeding
- 9000 bc First evidence of plant domestication in the hills above the Tigris river.
- 3000 bc- Domestication of all important food crops in the Old World.
- 1000 bc- Domestication of all important food crops in the New World.
- 700 bc -Assyrians and Babylonians hand pollinated date palms.
- 1694 -Camerarius demonstrated sex in plants and suggested crossing as a method to obtain new planttypes.
- 1716- Mather of USA observed natural crossing in maize.
- 1719- Fairchild created first artificial hybrid of dianthus sp. (Carnation × Sweet williams).
- 1727- Vilmorin introduced the concept of progeny testing i.e Vilmorin isolation principle.
- 1753- Linnaeus published Species plantarium. Binomial nomenclature was born.
- 1761–1766 Koelreuter of Germany demonstrated that hybrid offspring received traits from both parents and were intermediate in most traits; produced first scientific hybrid using tobacco.
- 1847- “Reid’s Yellow Dent” maize was developed.
- 1866- Mendel published his discoveries in Experiments in plant hybridization, culminating in inheritance and discovery of unit factors (genes).
- 1899- Hopkins described the ear-to-row selection method of breeding in maize.
- 1908–1909 Hardy of England and Weinberg of Germany developed the law of equilibrium of populations.
- 1908–Nilsson Ehle proposed the concept of multiple factor hypotheses.
- 1909 -Shull conducted extensive research to develop inbreds to produce hybrids of maize.
- 1917 -Jones developed first commercial hybrid maize.
- 1926 -Pioneer Hi-bred corn company established as first seed company.
- 1934- Dustin discovered colchicines.
- 1935- Vavilov published The scientific basis of plant breeding.
- 1940 -Harlan used the bulk breeding selection method in breeding.
- 1944- Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty discovered DNA is hereditary material.
- 1945- Hull proposed recurrent selection method of breeding.
- 1950 -McClintock discovered the Ac-Ds system of transposable elements.
- 1953- Watson, Crick, and Wilkins proposed a model for DNA structure.
- 1970- Borlaug received Nobel Prize for the Green Revolution.
- Berg, Cohen, and Boyer introduced the recombinant DNA technology.
- 1994 -“Flavr Savr” tomato developed as first genetically modified food produced for the market.
- 1995- Bt corn developed.
- 1996- Roundup Ready® soybean introduced.
- 2004- Roundup Ready® wheat developed.
Last modified: Sunday, 11 March 2012, 7:25 AM