Mode of Pollination

Mode of Pollination

  • Pollination is transfer of pollen grains from anthers to stigma. Pollination is brought about by various agencies like air (anemophily), water (hydrophily), insects (entomophily) and animals (zoophily). The pollen grains germinate on the stigma and slender pollen tube grows through the style and enters embryo sac, where fusion of male and female gametes occurs which is called fertilization. Transfer of pollen from an anther to stigma of same flower is called “self pollination”.
  • Geitenogamyis another form of self fertilization resulting from pollination between two flowers of the same plants which has same genetic consequence like autogamy.
  • Transfer of pollen grains of one plant to the flower of another plant is called cross pollination. The resultants fertilization is known as cross fertilization or allogamy.E.g., Castor Niger, etc.
  • The crop plant has developed various mechanisms in course of their evolution to ensure either self or cross pollination.
Last modified: Friday, 22 June 2012, 2:51 PM