

  • The taxonomy in wild mammals consists of many orders and families. The binomial nomenclature of the Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus is followed in the animal kingdom. Genus name is followed by species name in general. Ecological isolation is given significance when it becomes necessary.


  • Panthera tigris altaica (it denotes the Siberian tiger which is much larger, heavier and with a thicker.
  • Panthera tigris corbetti (it indicates the tiger that is smaller in size than the Royal Bengal tiger.

Vertebrates and Non-Vertebrates
  • In this vertebrates earlier had dorsal vertebral column that arises as a rigid rod called notochord and was later replaced by a segmented and cartilaginous rod called as the vertebral column.

Protozoa and Metazoa

  • Protozoa
    • These animals are unicellular ones (body is not sub-divided into cells) . Example: Ameba and Euglena.
  • Metazoa
    • This comprises the cellular animals.
Last modified: Tuesday, 18 October 2011, 10:23 AM