

  • Caesarean section is the delivery of the fetus by laparohysterotomy. This operation is performed when mutation, forced extraction and fetotomy are deemed inadequate or too difficult to be employed to relieve the present dystocia or when it is desired that the fetus to be delivered alive.

Fetal oversize

  • The fetal oversize may be due to fetopelvic disproportion, physical immaturity of the dam, absolute oversize of the fetus in certain breeds of cattle, fetal anasarca and fetal emphysema.

Incomplete cervical dilatation

  • It may be associated with secondary uterine inertia with advanced involution of the cervix.

Uterine torsion

  • Torsion of the uterus in cattle constitutes a major indication for cesarean section, either because the torsion is irreducible or because the cervix remains inadequately dilated for vaginal delivery after detorsion.

Fetal deformities

  • CattleĀ than most species are susceptible for gross structural abnormalities of development. Eg; schistosomus reflexus, achondroplasia or bulldog calf deformity,anasarca or fetal dropsy, muscle contracture monster, arthrogryposis associated with torticollis and kyphosis, perosomus elumbis, and conjoined twins etc.

Faulty fetal disposition

  • In protracted cases, constriction of the cervix may prevent vaginal correction of the dystocia and the fetus is then likely to become emphysematous.

Fetal emphysema

  • It is a frequent complication of delayed dystocia in cattle and irrespective of the primary cause of dystocia, it is often the immediate indication for cesarean.

Miscellaneous indications

  • The natural termination of pathologically prolonged pregnancy may be associated with absence of normal parturient changes in the vagina and vulva and a consequent need for Caesarean section.
Last modified: Saturday, 12 November 2011, 10:57 AM