Uses of Pure line

Uses of Pure line

  • A variety: A superior pure line may be used as a commercial variety. Almost all the varieties of self pollinated crops are pure line
  • As a parent in a hybridization programme hybridization invariably based on pure line
  • Mutation studies: Used forstudying spontaneous and induced mutation. Because genetic variation arised due to mutation.
  • The concept of pure line selection was developed in the middle of the 19thcentury in Sweden Lecouteur, Sheriff, Halletand Vilmorin. The Genetic basis of pure line was explained by Johanssen in 1903.
  • Pure line selection is practiced in heterogeneous population such as introduced material, land races and mass selected varieties of self pollinated species to isolate superior genotypes.
  • Selection in the segregating generation from cross.
Last modified: Tuesday, 13 March 2012, 7:40 AM