Aims of Hybridization

Aims of Hybridization

    1. To transfer of one or few qualitative character.
    2. Improvement in one or more quantitative character.
    3. F1 Hybrid as variety.
    I. Combination breeding:
                                    This method is used for the transfer of one or more character into or single variety from another variety.Eg: improving the yield by correcting the defect. i.edisease resistance.The other parent selected for hybridization must have a sufficient intensity of a character under transfer.
    II. Transgressivebreeding:
                                    It aims at improving yield or its contributing character through transgresive segregation. It refers to theappearance of such plants in F2generation that are superior to both the parents for one or more character.It is due to accumulation of plus or favourable genes from the parents as a consequences of recombination. The parents used for crossing must combine very well and are genetically diverse. So pedigree breeding followed by population approach are designed for production of transegressivesegregants.
    III. Hybrid varieties:
                                    In self pollinated crops F1 is more vigourous and high yielding than the parents.Two parents should combine well to produce outstanding F1 hybrid.
Last modified: Tuesday, 13 March 2012, 9:20 AM