Reproductive behavior


Understanding of biology is a must to understand about the reproductive behaviour of the wild animals. The reasons for abnormal reproductive behaviour:

  • Improper social group composition.
  • Improper space availability.
  • Failure of niche based requirements.


  • Eg. Need of two nest boxes is a must for reproductive success in case of female tree shrews.
  • Eg. Provision of nest box newly at the start of the breeding season may enhance the courtship behavior of some avian species.

Composition of social group

  • To enhance the characteristic mating system of the particular wild animal species, there should be an adequate composition of the concerned social group.
  • Females have more parental investment than males. Examples for differences in parental investment among sexes:
    • In grizzly bears and tigers, males have home range which may overlap the territory of more females. Hence more offspring can be produced.
    • Most of the time birds may reveal monogamy unlike mammals.
Last modified: Thursday, 26 April 2012, 5:41 AM