Hardy-Weinberg law

Hardy-Weinberg law

  • This law is independently developed by Hardy (1908) in England and Weinberg (1909) in Germany. The law states that the gene and genotype frequencies in a mendalian population remain constant from generation after generation if there is no selection, mutation, migration or random drift.
  • The frequencies of thethese genotypes for a locus with two alleles A and a would be P2(AA), 2pq(Aa)and q2(aa)
               Where, p= Frequency of ‘A’ allele in the population.
  • q= Corresponding frequency ‘a’ allele in the population the sum of p+q is equal=1 Such a population would be at equilibrium since the genotypic frequencies would be stable, that is, would not change from one generation to the next.This equilibrium is known as Hardy Weinberg equilibrium.
Last modified: Tuesday, 13 March 2012, 10:28 AM