Functions and deficiency symptoms of Phosphorus

Functions and deficiency symptoms of Phosphorus

  • Phosphorous is a constituent of essential cell components such as phytins, phosphoproteins, phospholipids, nucleic acids (DNA, RNA), co-enzymes (NAD & NADP), ATP and other high energy compounds. It is also a structural component of cell membrane, chloroplasts, mitochondria and meristematic tissues. Plants absorb the Phosphorus as H2PO4-and HPO42- ionic form. Phosphate compounds act as “energy currency” within plants. It is highly mobile in plants but immobile in soils.


      1. Involved in Energy storage and transfer. Also carry various metabolic processes in plants.
      2. Involved in cell division and development of meristematic tissue and thus it improves better vegetative growth of plants.
      3. Important for root development and stimulates root growth.
      4. Helps in primordial development, flowering, seed formation, ripening of fruits germination of seeds and also early maturity of crops.
      5. It is essential for formation of starch, proteins, nucleic acids, photosynthesis, nitrogen-metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, glycolysis, respiration and fatty acid synthesis.

    Deficiency symptoms of Phosphorus in plants

      ¥ Stunted and slow growth of plants due to its effects on cell division and meristematic tissue development.
      ¥ Leaves are small and defoliation starts from the older leaves and premature leaf fall.
      ¥ Purplish discoloration of foliage due to anthocyanin pigment. Plants develop dead necrotic areas on the leaves, petioles or fruits.
      ¥ Slender and woody stem with under developed roots are characteristics symptoms.
      ¥ Delay in flowering and ripening of fruits, inferior quality, shedding of blossom, inflorescence becomes small and premature fruit falling.
      ¥ Inhibit the sugar synthesis or abnormally high sugar levels in plant.


P deficiency in Avacado P deficiency in Pear

Gooseberry Shoot — purpling of leaves. Leaves dull purple tints, becoming red later.
Apple Leaves: Typical bronzing. Dull purple and bronze tints


Phosphorus Deficiency in Potato

Last modified: Wednesday, 7 December 2011, 4:58 AM