Precautions that are to be adapted


  • Animal repelling substances or factors are to be avoided always during the usage of the trap cage design-model. Usage of bare hands may leave some smell of sweat that may lead to the repelling of the targeted animal to the expected spot in the area.
  • Always use the fresh type of bait as the case with fresh food material
  • Take care during the placement of the trap cage and the place should be known for the movement of the concerned animal species.
  • Place the trap cage at suitable height, so that the entry of the concerned wild animal should not get discouraged by the position of the trap cage design-model.
  • The place of trap-setting should not be however frequently disturbed in order to avoid the frightening of the concerned animal species.
  • ‘Test-response methods’ should be exercised in order to trap the target species.
Last modified: Tuesday, 28 September 2010, 4:53 AM