Estimation of Heterosis

Estimation of Heterosis

    1. Average heterosis:
  • It is the heterosis where F1 is superior to mid parent value. In otherwords superior to average of two parents.
    F1 - MP
    --------- x 100
    Where F1 = Mean of hybrid
                 MP = Mid parental value.
      (P1 + P2) where P1 = Parent 1
    MP = ---------- P2 = Parent 2
    This type of heterosis is of no use in agriculture since the superiority is below the better parent value
    2. Heterobeltiosis:
  • Superiority of F1 over the better parent.
    F1 - BP
    --------- x 100
    Where BP = Mean of Better Parent.
    3. Economic heterosis:
  • Superiority of the F1 compared to the high yielding commercial variety in a particular crop.
    F1 - CV
    --------- x 100
    Where CV = Mean of Commercial Variety.
    4. Negative heterosis:
  • Performance of F1 inferior to better parent / mid parent value. - e.g. Duration.
Last modified: Wednesday, 14 March 2012, 4:55 AM