Phosphorus transformation & availability in soils

Phosphorus transformation & availability in soils

    Phosphorus Cycle in soil

  • In P cycle the phosphorus is not involved in any exchange process with the atmosphere. The amount of dissolved or solution P mostly H2PO4- and HPO42- ions in the soil is very small and crops will utilize P from this source. The soil solution P can come from mineralization of organic matter, added fertilizers, adsorbed phosphate ions and solid P compounds (primary & secondary minerals).
  • Any P present in solution P form and it is available to plants is called Labile P, where as any P which is bounded in solid P compounds such as primary and secondary minerals is called Non Labile P which is not available to plants.
    P- Transformation in aerobic soils:
  • P transformation depends on their solubility, interaction with other soil components. When a water soluble phosphate fertilizer, such as super phosphate is applied to a soil, P dissolves immediately and enters the soil solution and readily forms new compounds with Ca as Ca-PO4 and carbonates of hydroxyapatite in calcareous and alkaline soils respectively. While in acid soils rich in Al, Mn and Fe, applied P is converted as Al-PO4 , Mn –PO4 and Fe-PO4 which are are precipitated as newly formed insoluble compounds and thus reduce the availability of P to crops.
    P Transformation in Anaerobic soils:
  • Submerged or flooded conditions/soils create reduced conditions (anaerobic soil) which lead to reduction of Ferric-PO4 to ferrous PO4 resulting in greater availability of P in the reduced soil. Organic acids formed under submerged conditions also solubilize PO4 there by P is available to plants.
Last modified: Friday, 14 December 2012, 9:30 AM