Advantages of asexual reproduction

Advantages of asexual reproduction

    1. It provides the quickest method to exploit the available genetic variation by selecting the out standing individual which can be quickly multiplied without any genetic changes.
    2. A true to type of multiplication of an individual saves time and the resources required for progeny testing and stabilizing the genetic composition of seed Produced crops.
    3. The phenomenon of apomixis is very convenient way to fix heterosis in the form of highly heterozygous hybrids.
    4. Wide crosses can be easily adopted to utilize the germplasm of wild and related cultivated species. Even sterile plants can be multiplied and cultivated provided the seed is not economically important part for the crop ex. leafy vegetable
    5. It provides quick method of multiplication of even sexually reproducing plants especially through micro-propagation.

Last modified: Monday, 12 March 2012, 12:59 PM