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1. Classification on the basis of plant stature:
a. Temperate tree fruits: Fruits borne on the trees growing in the temperate climates such as apple, pear, stone fruits etc. b. Temperate small fruits: Fruits generally borne on the vines, brambles or herbaceous plants grown under temperate climate like strawberry, craneberry, blackberry, blueberry etc. c. Temperate nuts: Nuts are characterized by the hard shell outside, separating the kernel and husk of the fruit. Pecan nut, hazel nut and walnut are good examples of temperate fruit plants producing nuts. 2. Classification based on fruit morphology Depending on number of ovaries involved in fruit formation, fruits are classified into three groups.
(i) simple fruits
(ii) aggregate fruits ( iii) multiple (composite) fruits i.Simple fruits: Simple fruits are derived from a single ovary of one flower. Simple fruits are further classified as fleshy and dry fruits. A. Fleshy fruits: These are this fruits whose pericarp (ovary wall) becomes fleshy or succulent at maturity. The temperate fleshy fruits may be either pome or drupe.
a.Pome: The pome is an inferior, two or more celled fleshy, syncarpous fruit surrounded by the thalamus. The fruit is referred as false fruit as the edible fleshy part is not derived from the ovarian tissues but from external ovarian tissue thalamus. Examples of temperate pome fruits are apple, pear and quince).
Fleshy fruit : Pome (leathery carples, edible portion is receptacles)
![]() b.Drupe (stone): This type of fruit derived from a single carpel, however, the olive is an exception in that the flower has two carples and four ovules but one carpel develop. Two ovules are borne in most of drupes but one seed develops. In this type of fruit, the pericarp is differentiated into three distinct layers; thin exocarp or peel of the fruits, the mesocarp which is fleshy and hard and stony endocarp, enclosing seed. Examples of temperate drupe fruits are cherry, peach, plum and apricot. In almond at maturity exocarp and mesocarp get separated as leathery involucre and are removed before marketing, only endocarp containing the edible seed is used hence it is nut.
Fleshy fruit : Drupes (one seeded, seed within stony endocarp) ![]()
a. Nut: A fruit in which carpel wall is hard or bony in texture. Fruit is derived from an hypogynous flower ( filbert) or an epigynous one ( walnut) and is enclosed in dry involucres (husk). It is only one seeded, but in most cases in derived from two carpels. Examples are walnut, almond, chestnut, hazelnut and pecan nut. Dry fruits are not juicy or succulent when mature and ripe. When dry, they may split open and discharge their seeds (called dehiscent fruits) or retain their seeds (called indehiscent fruits). ![]() b. Achene: A one seeded fruit in which the seed is attached to ovary wall at one point. Example is strawberry. ![]() ![]() ![]() The flower bud is either terminal or lateral. Based upon the location of fruit buds and type of flower bearing structure to which they give rise, the temperate fruits are classified as under.
1.Terminal bearer: (a) Flower buds mixed, flowering shoot with terminal inflorescences. Examples are apple, pear, walnut (pistillate flowers) and pecan (pistillate flowers) 2. Lateral bearer: (a) Flower bud containing flower parts only e.g peach, apricot, plum, cherry, almond, walnut ( staminate catkin) and pecan (staminate catkin) (b) Flower buds mixed, flowering shoot with terminal inflorescences e.g blackberry, raspberry, blueberry, apple and pear(occasionally) (c) Flower buds mixed, flowering shoot with lateral inflorescences e.g. persimmon, chestnut, pistachio nut, craneberry. 1. Sigmoid pattern:
![]() 2. Double sigmoid:
Last modified: Wednesday, 4 April 2012, 12:15 PM