- Peach seedlings arc generally used as rootstock, though plum, apricot and almond seedlings can also be used.
- Since wild species produce more vigorous and hardy seedlings than the cultivated varieties, thus wild peach seedlings are preferred in the hills.
- In the plains, seeds of Sharbati, Sufeda and wild apricot is used to grow the rootstock for peach propagation.
- Clonal rootstocks are precocious, size controlling, very productive and resistance to insect pests and diseases. Due to these plus points, clonal rootstocks are preferred over seedling rootstocks for raising nursery plants of these fruits.
- For peach, peach x almond hybrid GF677 clonal rootstock is commercially used. This rootstock is useful on alkaline soil due to resistance to chlorosis.
- The other important clonal rootstocks are Siberian C ( cold hardy), St. Julien hybrid No.1 and 2 and Damas GF677 ( resistant to water logging and alkaline soil), Nemagaurd and Shalil ( nematode resistant).
- Peach is commercially propagated through grafting or budding on seedling or clonal rootstocks.
- For raising seedling rootstocks seeds of wild peach are used.
- Before sowing, seed is first stratified at 4-5°C or below for 10-12 weeks in the moist sand.
- Pre-sowing treatment of seed with certain agro-chemicals and plant bio-regulators viz; thiourea (0.5%), GA (200ppm) or BA (l00ppm) not only reduce the stratification period required and enhance seed germination but also improves the seedling growth.
- The stratified seeds are sown in well-prepared beds about 5 cm deep and 15 cm apart at a row spacing of 20cm.
- Seed beds arc mulched with 6-10 cm thick dry grass and light irrigation is must after sowing to avoid desiccation of seeds.
- Seed start germinating in March and the seedling become graflable in one year.
- The clonal rootstocks are multiplied through mound and trench layering.
- The commercial methods of propagating peach are tongue or cleft grafting and T budding.
- In the hills, tongue grafting during February and T budding during May- June are recommended.
- In plains, grafting is performed during November-January and budding during April- June and in September.
Planting/ Planting Density:
- The plantation operation is carried out in the winter season.
- Before planting, the site of an orchard should be leveled, bushes and weeds are cut down and proper planning of layout is adopted.
- In plains, square system of planting is common, while in hills layout of an orchard is done with contour and terrace system.
- Pits of l x l x l m at a distance of 4.5 m in hills and 6.5 m in the plains, are dug in the month of September – October, which are refilled with soil and 40-50 kg of well rotten Farm Yard Manure and 1 kg single super phosphate.
- In high density planting, the spacing is reduced to 3x 3 m. and 5 x 1 m in tatura trellis (2000 trees /ha).
Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 8:58 PM