Problems of alkali soils on plant growth

Problems of alkali soils on plant growth

  •  Poor water and air permeability as a result of high dispersion of soil aggregates and clay particles.
  •  Low availability of water due to poor conductance from the lower soil layers.
  •  Seedling emergence & germination is greatly affected due to hard crust surface.
  •  Seed bed preparation is very difficult because it does not come to proper moisture conditions.
  •  Deficiency of Ca and there is an antagonistic effect on K and Ca nutrition.
  •  Toxic concentration of HCO3- and CO32- ions.
  •  Decreased solubility of Fe & Zn.
  •  Increased solubility and accumulation of toxic elements such as F, Se & Mo in plants that may affect crop yield.
Last modified: Monday, 5 December 2011, 3:52 AM