EXERCISE 4: Identification and description of varieties of apple and pear

Red Delicious
Originated as chance seedling in the orchards of Josse Hiatt near Paru in USA Hiatt. In 1894) Later named as Red Delicious by Stark Brothers Nurseries. Fruit large sized and oblong conical in shape. Ground colour is greenish-yellow with red streaks. The colour of flesh is creamish. Fruit ripens in third week of August.
Starking Delicious
Also known Known as Royal Delicious, is a Limb Sport of Red Delicious in Monsoville, New Jersey, USA ( 1921) Tree moderately vigorous, fruit large, conical in shape with prominent calyx lobes, skin colour yellow with red stripes all over the surface, flesh firm, sweet, juicy. Fruit mature earlier than Red Delicious and ready to picking in 130-140 days from full bloom.
4.2 4.3
In 1919 Rich-a-red was discovered as a whole tree mutation in the orchard of LJ Richardson, Monitor Washington, USA. Fruits are large sized and oblong conical . Ground colour greenish yellow with red wash all over, Lenticels are conspicuous.
Top Red Delicious
A bud mutation of Short Well Delicious. Standard type. Fruits conical with predominant lobes. Fruits large, medium with dark red streaks over yellow back ground. Flesh yellowish cream sweet, aromatic and juicy, matures 10-15 days earlier than the Starking (Royal) Delicious
Red Chief:
Bud sport of Starkrimson. Tree size small, compact and forms number of spurs, very productive and regular in bearing. Fruit medium to large, conical in shape with prominent calyx lobes. Fruit colour dark red with prominent stripes. Colour development 10-15 days earlier than Starking Delicious. Flesh creamy, crisp and juicy.
Vance Delicious
A limb sport of Delicious. Standard type. Fruits medium to large, conical with prominent lobes with dark red stripes over yellow background. Better and early colour and gives higher yield than Royal Delicious. Flesh is yellowish cream sweet and juicy, matures 15-20 days earlier than Starking Delicious
A whole tree mutation of Delicious. Standard type and vigorous. Fruits medium to large, conical with prominent lobes. Dark red stripes over yellow background. Matures at the same time of Starking Delicious
Skyline Supreme Delicious
A whole tree mutation of Starking Delicious. Standard type. Fruits medium to large, conical in shape with five prominent lobes and surface colour is red wash. Fruits develop early and better colour and matures 10-15 days earlier
It is a semi spur types strain of Red Delicious a limb sport. Fruits are conical in shape with deep bright red stripes. Fruit flesh light cream sweet and juicy. Fruits mature 7-10 early early Starking Delicious.
Real Mecoy Red Delicious
A mutation of Red Delicious. Standard type. Fruits are conical with prominent lobes. The fruit colour is red wash over yellow background. Fruit matures 10 days early than Starking Delicious, sweet and juicy.
Well Spur
A whole tree variation of Starking Delicious. Spur type variety and fruits are more conical with deep red wash, covering whole surface. Five lobes are prominent. Fruits mature 15-20 days early than Starking Delicious. Flesh is yellowish cream, sweet and juicy.
Silver Spur
A whole tree variation of Hi Early Red. A spur type cultivar and fruits are conical with deep red submerging streaks. Fruits mature 15 days early than Starking Delicious.
Starkrimson Delicious
A whole tree mutation of Starking Delicious. Fruits are more conical with prominent lobes with scarlet red wash, covering whole surface. Flesh is yellowish cream, sub-acidic and juicy. Spur type. At higher elevations fruit size remain small and over coloured (black). This cultivar is suitable for lower and valley areas in the state.
Red Spur
A whole tree mutation of Starking Delicious. Tree growth spur type. Fruits are conical in shape with prominent lobes at calyx and deep red wash with conspicuous dots (lenticels) over whole surface and resemble Rich-a-red. Flesh yellowish cream, sub acidic and juicy, regular and prolific bearer. Fruit matures 10-15 days earlier.
A hybrid between Golden Delicious and Starking Delicious and was found to be superior to Golden Delicious. The shape resembles to Starking Delicious and colour is golden yellow with red cheeks. The tree is standard type
This cultivar is originated in Aomori by the Aomori Apple Experimental Station, Japan from the cross between Golden Delicious and Indo. This cultivar was selected in 1939. This cultivar was registered and introduced commercially in 1949.
Heavy producer and moderately biennial bearer. Fruit is medium to large, round to oval in shape and resembles to that of Golden Delicious. Fruits are green which becomes yellow later on. Skin is thin. The flesh is yellowish white fine and juicy.
Granny Smith
Trees vigorous upright and spreading. Fruits are medium to large in size. Ground colour of fruit is green, turns greenish yellow at maturity. Lenticels are conspicuous, skin is smooth. The shape is round conical. Flesh is greenish white, firm juicy, good of blend of sugar/ acidity. A very late variety, good pollinizer and regular bearer.
Black Ben Davis
Popularly known as Kalidevi is Kullu Valley of Himachal Pradesh. The trees are very vigorous and fruits are medium to large in size. The fruits are round conical little flattened. The colour is striped dark red. Flesh is creamish white, firm juicy, aromatic sweet and mildhy acidic. Bennial is bearing. A good pollinizer.
Golden Delicious
It is partly self fruitfull. A chance seedling, heavy bearor and used as pollinizer variety. Fruit round to conical oblong, greenish yellow which turn golden yellow at ripening. Late maturing variety, takes 150-160 days from full bloom to harvest.
Red Gold
A pollinizer variety for Red Delicious and its sports. The fruits are small to medium size of dark, dull red colour. The fresh is white, sub acidic and juicy. It is a heavy and regular bearer but tends to develop biennial bearing habit it allowed to over-crop. It suffers from a mosaic virus which tends to restrict fruit size. After the initial years of cropping the free produces very small sized fruit.
Tydeman’s Early Worcester
A pollinizer for Delicious and its sports. (McIntosh and Worcester Pearmain) and was evolved at East Malling Research Station in 1929. The tree is vigorous and spreading. It is difficult to train because it has few laterals. The fruit is medium sized, greenish yellow covered with bright red colour. The flesh is white, juicy, fairly firm with a pleasant flavour. It matures early in 80-90 days from full bloom to maturity.

It has compact, upright growth and bears six medium sized cupped white flowers per cluster and attracts good bee activity. Tip bloom continues throughout most of the bloom period and also has good return bloom
Red Flesh
This variety tends to be more leggy in its growth habit unlike Manchurian, which is compact and upright. The flowers are off red colour and because of this bee activity is poor. It is also highly susceptible to powdery mildew
Snow Drift
A very profuse bloomer on first or second year wood having five small to medium sized, cupped, white flowers per cluster. If not trained, it attains bushy oval shape, leaves are small and glossy.
Golden Hornet
It has drawn attention for strong pollen viability and a longer period of dehiscence. Flowering is alternate or biennial on spurs. This tendency, however, can be checked by post blooming pruning. It has 5-6 medium sized cupped white flowers per cluster

It is known as William’s Bartlett. This variety originated in England. Tree large, prolific and regular bearer. Fruit medium to large, ovate-pyriform, green when picked, which turns bright yellow on ripening.
Max Red Bartlett :
Bud mutant of Bartlett. Tree and fruit character resemble with parent except that fruit colour is dark cranberry red.
Red Bartlett:
Fruit medium to large in size, obovate – acute- pyriform, greenish with red blush on one side, flesh white with fine melting texture, crisp, juicy, ripen from end of june to mid july
Starkrimson :
It originated in Michigan, USA as an all-over red bud sport. Tree large and heavy bearer. Fruit large, colour rich crimson all over the fruit, flesh white. It is early maturing variety and matures 10-15 days before Bartlett.

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 10:04 PM