EXERCISE 8: Identification and description of varieties of kiwifruit

Selected as a chance seedling by Hayward Wright This is most popular variety throughout the kiwifruit growing regions of the world because fruits have large size and more keeping quality. Length and breadth ratio is about 1.3:1, oval in shape and fruit weight ranges from 80-120g/fruit. It bears late than other cultivars and bear solitary flowers on fruiting canes. This is comparatively shy bearer and has a tendency towards biennial bearing. This variety require more chilling hours and can be grown at slightly higher elevation
This is most popular varieties in India as it gives higher production. It resemble very much to cultivar Abbott, except that its fruits are slightly broader in proportion to the length. Length in to breadth ratio is about 1.6:1 and Fruit weight ranges from 40-90g/fruit. It is an early flowering and maturing , heavy and regular bearing variety.
This is an early flowering and maturing varieties. Fruit medium size, Oblong and covered with dense hairs. Very sweet in taste with lower ascorbic content, heavy yielder and regular in bearing.
This is a good variety for lower elevation, prolific bearer late maturing variety. Fruits are oblong and resemble with those of Abbott and Allison, but some what wider towards the blossom end.
Fruits are largest among the cultivars and slightly tapering towards stem end. Fruit length and breadth ratio is about 1.9:1 and fruit weight ranges from 40-70g/fruit. Fruits are very rich in ascorbic acid . Early flowering and maturity variety, heavy yielder and suitable for lower hills and valley areas.
Allison Male-
It flowers earlier than Tomuri and is a best pollinizer for cvs. Allison, Bruno, Monty and Abbott, regular with profuse flowering.

It is late flowering and it appears usually in groups of 5 (1-7). It is a good pollinizer for cultivars Hayward

Last modified: Thursday, 5 April 2012, 10:25 AM