Procedure for poly genic traits

Procedure for Poly genie traits

    Procedure for Poly genie traits
    Mutagenesis does produce genetic variation in polygenic traits
    1. M1 and M2 : M1 and M2 are grown, M2 vigouros fertile and normal looking plants that alone exhibit a mutant phenotype are selected and their seeds are harvested separately to raise individual plant progeny rows in M3.
    2. M3 Progeny rows from individual selected plants are grown. Careful observation is made on M3 rows for small deviation in phenotype from the parent variety. Few rows which are homogenous and would be harvested in bulk. Selection is done in M3 rows showing segregation.
    3. M4: Bulked seed from homogenous M3 rows may be planted in preliminary yield trial with suitable check. Superior progenies are selected for replicated multilocation yield trial superior homogenous progenies are harvested in bulk for preliminary yield trial in M4.
    4. M5- M8: Preliminary yield trials and MLT are conducted depending upon the when progenies become homogenous. Outstanding progeny may be released as new variety.

Last modified: Monday, 12 March 2012, 10:40 AM