

  • The perfume laden solvent is led into the evaporator.
  • The evaporator is a wide mouthed circular bowel made in stainless steel with a capacity to hold 25 litres of solvent.
  • It has an air tight lid with a hole at the centre for the outlet of the solvent vapour.
  • The evaporator is heated over a water bath at a constant temperature of 750C.
  • The water bath is heated electrically by 2000 watt heating elements and the temperature is kept 750C by thermostatic control.
  • Temperature control is essential as high temperature and prolonged heating at atmospheric pressure will spoil the quality and appearance of the concrete.
  • The evaporator should never be directly heated. It should be heated either over a water bath or by steam circulation.
  • As the temperature rises in the evaporator, the hexane evaporates and the vapour escapes through the hole in the lid which is led into the condenser through a stainless steel pipe.
Last modified: Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 11:39 AM