Plant Protection

Plant Protection

    Pest and Diseases
    • Aphids suck the sap from leaves of growing plants and can be most series insect pest of carnation. They are also transmit carnation rings spot and carnation mosaic virus diseases. They are controlled by spraying of metasystox (2 ml/l), malathion (2ml/l), endosulfan (2ml/l) or rogor (2ml/l).
    • They suck sap from leaves causing distortion. Spraying of rogor (1ml/l) or sumithion (3.5ml/l) or malathion (2ml/l) controls thrips.
    Red Spider:
    • Mite Spraying with Kelthane (2.5ml/l) or Wettable sulphur 3g/lit controls mite effectively.
    • Can be eliminated by growing plants in fumigated soil. Application of furadan, aldicarb or nemaphox controls nematode infestation.
Last modified: Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 9:57 AM