Orchids in trade and economy

Orchids in trade and economy

  • At present Orchid cut flower trade is a multi-million dollar business.
  • The cut flowers of species like Cymbidium, Paphipedilum, Phalaenopsis, Cattleyas and Dendrobiums have a tremendous market in USA and Europe.
  • It is estimated that two hundred million Cattleya flowers are sold annually in American market.
  • Some of the developing countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Sri Lanka are fast catching up the international market and run the cut flower industry on co-operative basis they pool the collections and export them to Europe, Japan and USA a few orchids figure prominently as State or National flowers. E.g. Cypripedium reginae by Minnesota and Cattleya skinneri by Cost Rica.
  • Through commercial orchid cut flower nurseries provide under 3% of the world cut flowers they earn considerable foreign exchange profit for many countries.
  • The Netherlands is the only European country with a sizeable orchid export industry.
  • In 1993, the Netherlands exported 51.8 million stems of orchids valued at 77.4 million.
  • Phalaenopsis orchids were the 14th most popular cut flowers sold in Dutch auctions in 1993 with sales exceeding 12.8 millions.
  • More than 3,600 tons of Dendrobiums were sent to Europe in 1993 from Thailand and more from Singapore.
  • Dendrobium orchids accounted for 3.2 million dollars of sales in Dutch auction market; but most were imported directly whole sale distributions in France, Germany, England and Italy.
  • The largest importer of tropical cut orchids in Europe in Italy, importing about 21,43,425 kg in 1993 and 30,00,725 kg in 1996.
  • Germany is the second largest importer of tropical orchids in Europe with 4,78,446 kg.
  • The growth and popularity of orchids is gaining lot of importance in our country due to the high rate of return.
Last modified: Friday, 8 June 2012, 5:24 PM