Definition and Meaning of Instructional Technology

Lesson 1 : Instructional Technology

Definition and Meaning of Instructional Technology

  1. As defined by Momurin (1970 ), Instructional technology is a systematic way of designing, carrying out and evaluating the total process of learning and teaching in terms of human learning and communication, and employing a combination of human and non-human resources to bring about more effective instruction.
  2. Sharma (1989) defined instructional technology as a network of techniques or devices employed to accomplish certain defined set of learning objectives.

Instructional technology applies the principles and theories of psychological learning to get deep insight into the content, structure and sequence of instruction to develop instructional resources for attaining desired learning outcomes. In other words, instructional technology works at shaping the instructional uses of the materials to turn them into instructional resources.

In a nut shell instruction technology means development of instruction with media for effective teachinglearning process.

Further, Instructional technology is concerned with determining and providing appropriate stimuli to the learner to produce certain types of responses for making learning more effective.

Last modified: Tuesday, 29 November 2011, 5:17 AM