Generally speaking the following are the characteristics of a good lesson plan:
It should be written: A lesson plan preferable be written and should not remain at the oral or mental stage. The teacher is strongly advises, at least in the early stages, to make a written note of his preparation. Writing helps in clarifying thoughts and concentration.
It should have clear aims:The lesson plan should clearly state the objectives, general and specific to be achieved.
It should be linked with the previous knowledge: The plan should not let the lesson remain an isolated one. It should have its basis on the background of the class. It should grow out of what the pupils have already learnt.
It should show techniques of teaching: It should state clearly the various steps that the teacher is going to take, and also various questions that he will ask.
It should show the illustrative aids: The illustrative aids to be used should be shown in the lesson plan
It should contain suitable subject matter: The materials of instruction or subject matter should be carefully selected or organized
It should divided into units: The plan should be divided into units, but care should be taken to see that the lesson remains an integrated whole and every unit develops from the previous and submerges into the next one.
It should provide for activity: The children must be given enough scope to be active. It should not make them mere passive listeners.
It should provide for individual differences: The plan should be prepared in such a way as it does full justice to all the students of varied abilities
It should show certain routine things: The plan should indicate the duration of the period, the period itself, and average age of the students, subject and the class.
It should be flexible: The plan is a means and not an end. It is wrong to follow it slavishly. It is an instrument and should be used as such. The teacher should be prepared to change his teaching methods from those as referred to in the plan, if need be.
It should include the summary: The lesson plan should include the summary of the whole lesson which is to be developed on the blackboard with the help of students.
It should refer to reference material: The plan becomes more useful if it refers to other reading material. This will motivate the bright students to do extra reading. Care should be taken to suggest only that material which is available in the school library.
It should include assignments for students: A good lesson plan cannot be thought of without appropriate assignments for the students. Assignments can take different forms.
It should provide for self-evaluation: A good lesson plan must have a suitable plan for self-criticism. The teacher should put some questions to himself and find out the answer and thereby judge the effectiveness of the lesson or otherwise.