
Lesson 23 : Visual Aids - Charts


  1. Charts are the diagrammatic representation of facts or ideas, visual symbols for summarizing, comparing, contrasting and performing other services in explaining subject matter can help to communicate difficult, dull subject in interesting way.
  2. Striptease charts are used mainly to create suspense.
  3. Flow charts are used to show organizational or administrative relationships.
  4. Bar charts are used to compare quantities at different times or under different circumstances.
  5. Flip chart should deal with only one broad theme and give only this salient point without too much data or details
  6. Pie chart might be used to show the relative proportion of different crops produced by a country
  7. Line charts are particularly useful in showing trends and relationships.
  8. Diagram is able to illustrate a process or an object.
  9. Graph is for getting precise idea or drawing a comparison or conclusion from numerals or statistical data.
  10. Photographs are the exact visual recordings of things.
  11. Illustrations are non-photographic reconstructions of reality
  12. Map is an informative diagram of an area
Last modified: Saturday, 3 December 2011, 9:02 AM