8.5. Genus Puerulus

Unit 8 - Taxonomy of lobsters

8.5. Genus Puerulus

  • First pair of legs not enlarged with no trace of a pincer without cross bands.
  • Carapace without a scale-like sculpture.
  • Tail variously coloured, smooth or with at most 2 transverse grooves.
  • Two distinct, widely separated tooth-like frontal horns, between which the anterior margin of the carapace is visible.
  • Antennal flagella, although large and firm, quite flexible.
  • Flagella of antennules short, shorter than last segment of antennular peduncle.
  • Abdominal segments with a sometimes interrupted transverse groove, but without squamiform sculptraution;
  • A distinct antennular plate between bases of antennae.
  • Frontal horns tapering to as sharp point, first segment of antennular peduncle not over-reaching antennal peduncle.
  • Anterior margin of carapace between frontal horns without teeth, only a single small tooth in basal part of anterior margin of each frontal horns;
  • Pleura of second to fifth abdominal segments ending in two about equally strong teeth.
Last modified: Wednesday, 24 August 2011, 4:21 AM