9.10.Fitting of length-weight relationship

Unit 9 - Correlation and regression

9.10 Fitting of length-weight relationship
Examples:Total length (cm) and weight (g) recorded on a sample of 12 fish are given below:sa
(i) Fit length-weight relationship of the type W = aLb, where W is weight and L is length of fish
(ii) Test whether b differed significantly differs from 3.

(i) Length-weight relationship
as= 1.2898 a= 1.5310

Then jk = 1.5310-4.8917= -3.3607

Sy2= 0.12015; Sx2 =0.00827
Then Variance of deviations from regression is given by:

S2 =yrtft
= 0.0011
a= Antilog (A+S2/2)
= Antilog [-3.3607+ (0.0011) /2]
= Antilog ( -3.35015) = 0.0004
The length-weight relationship is therefore given by
W = 0.0004 L 3.7944
(ii)To test whether the sample regression coefficient (b=3.7944) comes from a population with the regression coefficient β=3, the following null hypothesis is set up.
Ho: β=3; H1:β≠3
The test statistic used is,

This is distributed as t with n-2 df.

Sb2=y[(Sy /Sx)2– b2]
Hence Sb =kj = 0.1105
Hence dfh
(iii) Statistical decision
The table values of t at 5% and 1% level of significance are 2.228 and 3.169 respectively. As t calculated is 7.2 which are more than the table values of t at both 5% and 1% level of significance, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Last modified: Monday, 19 September 2011, 5:46 AM